AVAS Technology Blog

Error with phpMyAdmin 3.5.4 showing Blank Screen
By: System Admin 01/03/2013

Earlier this week, I was going to update some database tables and attempted to log in to phpMyAdmin when I got a blank screen. If you've ever programed much in PHP, a blank screen almost always means one of two things:

You never accessed the PHP file The PHP Script had a fatal error and error codes are set to off


Installing and Configuring phpMyAdmin on AWS Amazon Linux AMI running Apache2 PHP and MySQL
By: System Admin 01/03/2013

 This is actually really easy, assuming you are using the base version of PHP (5.3.X) from the AWS package repository. YUM has phpMyAdmin as a package and most of the default settings work just fine. The first time I install on an AWS instance it took maybe 15 minutes to complete. Installing phpMyAdmin These instructions assume you have already setup an AWS instance and have an SSH client (like PuTTY) available and a SCP client (like WinSCP) to use when editing the configuration files.

Log in to your instance via the SSH client. Transfer to the root user ("sudo su"). Use YUM to install phpMyAdmin Press "Y" when it asks if you want to install phpMyAdmin


Installing Common PHP Extensions
By: System Admin 11/02/2012

PHP is a simpler programming language which offers the power of the more complex object orientated languages without some of the more complex data management issues. PHP is commonly used to develop dynamic web content, especially content based upon a database like MySQL. PHP is an on-demand compiled language, where it uses the Apache2 web server to compile the PHP code when the script is run. In a practical sense, you must have Apache installed to use PHP on your server. If you do not have Apache currently installed, instructions can be found here. Instructions for installing PHP after you have installed Apache can be found here.


Installing and Configuring PHP on AWS Amazon Linux AMI with Apache2
By: System Admin 10/03/2012

Apache2 is the standard Linux web server. It deals with all of the http and https requests sent to the server and complies PHP scripts. PHP is a simpler programming language which offers the power of the more complex object orientated languages without some of the more complex data management issues. PHP is commonly used to develop dynamic web content, especially content based upon a database like MySQL. In a practical sense, you must have Apache installed to use PHP on your server. If you do not have Apache currently installed, instructions can be found here. Installing PHP These instructions assume you have already setup an AWS instance and have an SSH client (like PuTTY) available.


Installing the necessary software on an AWS Amazon Linux AMI server
By: System Admin 08/28/2012

There is a variety of software you will need to get your new AWS web server up and running. You probably already have the desktop clients if you every did any server work previously, the core server software however will need to be installed, depending on your purposes for the server. This page will be updated from time to time as new installation and configuration guides are added. Desktop Clients

SoftwareDescriptionAvailable at:Documentation

  Free SSH client. Utilizes basic command line style interface   |

  Free SCP/SFTP/FTP client for Windows. Offers a graphical user interface to move and edit files.    
