AVAS Technology Blog

Compressing all HTML pages with Apache2 on AWS
By: System Admin 01/29/2013

The Apache2 web server has two mods which can be used to compress data sent to the client (ie browser); mod_deflate and mod_gzip. The gzip mod is more versatile but more challenging to setup. For simple compression of HTML, CSS and JavaScript files, the deflate mod works just file. Compression is particularly important on Amazon Web Services (AWS) because:

HTML is very redundant and bulky Smaller files are sent to the client faster AWS charges you based upon OUTPUT bandwidth; smaller files = less bandwidth usage per file

Simple activation of mod_deflate


Setting up a Free Tier Amazon EC2 Instance
By: System Admin 08/27/2012

Amazon AWS is currently offering a 'free tier' for 1 year. Simply you get a micro instance to get your server up and running, play with different settings and such. It is the standard free trial offer, but with a virtual server. If you've never used AWS before, I recommend using the free tier server to get acquainted with the capabilities of AWS then move to a real server later. Also, once you have all the settings working on the free tier instance, you can transfer to paid instance in 15 minutes. AWS Free Tier

750  hrs/month Micro instance (613 MB of RAM, Linux or Windows) 750 hrs/month Elastic Load Balancer (15 GB of data processing) 30GB of EBS space 5 GB of Amazon S3 standard storage

Setting up a New Instance
