Web Design

Ask anyone in sales or marketing; LOOK and FEEL matter. It is the subliminal messages of any marketing material which decide success. The look and feel of your website is ever more important because your potential customers can easily access your competitors. A unique and captivating web design will create an emotional connection with your visitors, increasing their likelihood of purchasing from your company.

AVAS Technology is not your typical web design company. We are a cloud development company which does web design when needed. We look for companies who want to transition to another level with their online technology. Our clients want to centralize their technology into a solution with access anywhere. Designing new interfaces is just a consequence of this transition.

Web Design Process


Transforming a website designs begins with discovering the factors surrounding the transition.

  • Why you are making the transition?
  • What features do you want and which are needed?
  • Which sites resonate with you and your customers?
  • Who are some of your competitors?


Constructing a great website is like constructing a great building. You start with a solid foundation, erect the frame, add floors, walls and ceilings and lastly add the personal decor to make it inviting.

  1. Website Structure (foundation)
  2. Page Layouts (the frame)
  3. Page Content (walls & ceilings)
  4. Content Styling (decor)


Once your site is created, you must actively improve your site in order to maintain its importance in your customers and search engine algorithms. We teach you what needs to be done and how to correctly maintain your website.

  • Blogging
  • Social Marketing
  • White Papers
  • Analysis
  • Corrections