We utilize an agile, virtual operations model for the entire division. This means each member of AVAS Technology is responsible for setting their own schedules and to an extent, their own work process.We have an overall framework for progressing through a project, however each member is empowered to customize the details of the process to fit the nuances of each project.


Work Day

The work day varies depending on your role. Client facing roles have more confined time frames, due to the requirements of meeting with clients. Our back-office roles have more flexibility in time management, through have hard deadlines for their work within a given week or month.



Promoting AVAS Technology and the great things we do is everyone's responsibility. A big part of promoting the firm is simply getting out in our communities and talking with people.



AVAS Technology is a quickly growing firm, and the best source for good talent is from within the firm. You individual advancement within the firm will be dependent upon your own merit as well as the general success of the projects you are involved.